Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I have neglected my blog. While visiting on facebook, reading blogs for work ( and some for fun), tweeting on twitter, my blog has been neglected. I decided to enter this social media world as a communication test and have as a result been sucked in by it all.

If you believe the trends, then you believe people are receiving information via the web, only. People are socializing and educating themselves via websites. bloggers and social communities. Traditional media ( tv, radio, newspapers) are a thing of the past. Advertisers and marketers are are looking to social communities to be their saving grace.

This is what I think: There will always be a place and need for real journalist. News is not what we choose to read or find interesting in someone's blog. News is important information to keep us safe, informed, engaged and involved in matters that might not be our choice of topics, but necessary none the less. I also believe just as many people are tuning in and opening up newspapers as they are reading status post on social sites. But since advertisers are funneling their money in web, traditional media can't financially survive. Real news outlets are what we will turn to in time of crisis.

I am your basic work at home, thirty-something Mom, living in the suburbs driving a mini van with three children and a loving husband. My day dream escapes range from life in the big city to home on the range. I think I am normal. I engage in social communities but it doesn't have an impact on me like opening up the Sunday morning paper. I don't hold bloggers to the same standard as journalists.

I am not calling social media a passing trend. It is not and it will continue to evolve. I am also not ready to call it quits on traditional media.

For the time being I will try to experience it all. I want to take note of this society shift and being able to refer to it someday.

Oh Shoot! It has been an hour since I checked my facebook... better sign off!